Calm - Sleep, Meditate, Relax

A Fantastic Meditation App that Nourishes your Body and Soul

The hustle and bustle of everyday life can leave us tired, moody, unhappy, touchy and irritated at all times. There is a constant battle going on to keep going and keep moving forward while the body and soul keep showing signs of tiredness. This eventually has an effect on your relationships and then continues to seep into every nook and corner of your life. As a result, it can become a vicious cycle where you always feel like you are losing control and matters are getting more stressful. It is in these moments that you need to look towards meditation in order to relax yourself. Your body, mind and soul all need nourishment and one of the best ways to get them is via meditation. Meditating takes you into a different frame of mind and helps you get rid of your tension and stress and thus allows you to relax to a great extent. This can improve your mood and help you stay calm while it can also help with your sleep patterns. When you keep doing it regularly, you will find a noticeably upbeat attitude and a greater will to simply keep trying in life. Calm – Meditate, Sleep, Relax is a great meditation app that can help you and aid you in meditating and in helping you find topics that can make you feel more relaxed and composed.
The meditation app has a signup procedure where you can sign up via email or Google. This is required to create your profile and get your basic information and the app then uses this information to create customized content for you. The app essentially requires premium membership to gain access to all the educational videos and meditation aid material available on the platform. However, you can get a taste of how the app can really help you in meditating. This is possible through the free content available on the app. The content is few and far between so you will have to explore a bit but it is useful to identify if you really need to splash the cash on a premium subscription or not.
The meditation app has four main tabs namely Home, Discover, Profile and Premium. The Home section is where you will find all the content and you can explore through the content easily through this section. The meditation app has multiple categories to filter the content as per your requirements. The categories include Meditation, Sleep, Music, Wisdom, Soundscapes, Movement, For Work, Breathe and Check-ins etc. You will find tailored content according to the categories and this can help you in browsing through the content with greater ease as well. For instance, the music category shows you a variety of different albums and you can further explore the type of music you want to listen via the various sub-categories. The browsing experience on the app is excellent with segregation of content through multiple categories and sub-categories ensuring that you can easily reach your desired content sooner rather than later.
The meditation app has great content available that can get you to relax right away. There are multiple lessons available provided by top professionals who are experts in their fields and credit meditation for their success. Their lessons are provided in their own soothing voices and you can listen to these lessons to ensure that you absorb the various techniques being taught and to ensure that you can also relax and meditate while doing so.


  • Excellent categorization of content to make exploring the app very easy
  • Soothing background music puts you in a relaxed state of mind right away
  • Great content brewed by excellent professionals like LeBron James etc.
  • Superb music library with great soothing music of multiple artists available
  • Impressive app interface that is very calming by design


Calm is an excellent and premium meditation app. With excellent meditation related content, easy browsing experience and superb app design, this should be your go-to app if you want to meditate and relax!

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Downloads: 20
Updated At: 2025-02-13
Publisher:, Inc.
Operating System: Android
License Type: Free